The SCI4.0 committees
Companies, associations, trade unions and academia provide the impetus for our content-related work. The SCI 4.0 has initially formed five committees in which representatives from companies, science, associations and standardization organizations are involved.
Participation in the technical and content-related working groups is generally open to all interested and qualified stakeholders. Appointments are made by the advisory board on the basis of proven professional expertise and an effective mandate to speak for their own organization, make decisions and act as a multiplier. In addition, each WG member must ensure personal continuity in their active participation in the WG meetings.
The meetings of the SCI4.0 committees are non-public events that can only be attended by experts who have been admitted to one of the committees in advance.
Do you have in-depth knowledge of Industry 4.0 and would like to help shape and advance Industry 4.0?
We are happy to be there for you under our contact and discuss the possibilities of implementation with you.
The meetings of the DKE committees are held in camera.
Would you like to play an active role in shaping standardization? Information and the current Call for Experts can be found here