The address for future of standardization

Standardization Council Industrie 4.0 as the key to the digital transformation of the industry

In Germany, the stakeholder triangle of Plattform Industrie 4.0, Standardization Council Industrie (SCI 4.0) and Labs Network Industrie (LNI 4.0) is a unique approach for a responsive structure consisting of strategy development and conception as well as implementation through testing and standardization. The three strategic fields of action of the 2030 vision are the core idea for the design of digital ecosystems: sovereignty, interoperability and sustainability.

SCI 4.0 is tasked with orchestrating standardization activities and, in the context of Industrie 4.0, acts as a central point of contact for all standardization-related matters. With this in mind, it combines the positions of the interested expert groups in Germany and represents their interests vis-à-vis international partners and consortia.  The German Standardization Roadmap Industrie 4.0 with its recommendations for action, provides a basis for this project and is thus a central tool for international cooperation in the field of Industrie 4.0 standardization. At the same time, the results of this project are fed back into the Standardization Roadmap and thus develop it in line with the current status of the national Industrie 4.0 strategy.

Last but not least, the SCI 4.0 defines the need for new projects and organizes their international implementation.

Find out how this is done in practice.

Standardization Roadmap Industrie 4.0-Edition 4

The Standardization Roadmap Industrie 4.0 - Edition 4 is now available for download.

The experts in the 2022 Progress Report 2022 sub-working group have spent around a year compiling assessments to provide an up-to-date overview of the implementation status of the recommendations for action. The 2022 progress report, which is being published to coincide with the Hannover Messe, now provides an up-to-date status of the implementation of the recommendations for action contained in it. A total of 115 recommendations for action were assessed and evaluated with regard to their implementation, with the involvement of experts from the relevant national standardization bodies. The fact that 62 of these recommendations for action can be classified as progress is a positive interim conclusion. It is already clear that topics such as semantic aspects of interoperability or collaborative industrial data spaces will become even more specific, and so the challenge of creating national, European and international structures and formulating definitions for coordinated data models is added. 

Constant exchange as the key to success

Addressing the opportunities and challenges of digitisation jointly and globally is a core idea in standardisation for Industry 4.0. With the GoGlobal Industrie 4.0 funding project, the BMWi has been supporting the global harmonisation of national Industrie 4.0 concepts since December 2017, as presented and formulated in the German Standardisation Roadmap Industrie 4.0 as a recommendation for action.

Thematic Fields

Thematic Fields of the Standardization Council Industrie 4.0

RAMI 4.0

Asset Administration Shell

Artificial Intelligence


Sustainability and Digitalization


Picture Credits: Production Perig /; sasun Bughdaryan / JLO_Foto; tashatuvango /; sarayut-sy /


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Labs Network Industrie 4.0 -

LNI 4.0